Review: 18-06-2017
Account Value: 1.59BTC.
PnL: -0.36BTC.
First real decent loss, and bit of a pain it happened on two at the same time. Have been waiting for this to happen and bit of a relief that it was handled okay.
Probably big takeaway from all of this is that I nailed the wash on LGD to 7.5 but was over-commited elsewhere (VRC) so wasn't able to do the size I wanted. Would have actually been a net profitable trade if I got this; and was paying enough attention to flip it on the pop as well.
Note: I ditched VRC before the pop; but was forced to take the losses on both (definitely didn't want them to extend any further).
PnL: -0.36BTC.
First real decent loss, and bit of a pain it happened on two at the same time. Have been waiting for this to happen and bit of a relief that it was handled okay.
Probably big takeaway from all of this is that I nailed the wash on LGD to 7.5 but was over-commited elsewhere (VRC) so wasn't able to do the size I wanted. Would have actually been a net profitable trade if I got this; and was paying enough attention to flip it on the pop as well.
Note: I ditched VRC before the pop; but was forced to take the losses on both (definitely didn't want them to extend any further).
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